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Updated on March 14, 2025 10:21 am
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Updated on March 14, 2025 10:21 am
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Updated on March 14, 2025 10:21 am

Drug Testing and Psilocybin Mushrooms: How Long Are Shrooms Detectable?

Shrooms or psilocybin mushrooms have lately been used either for fun or in religious ceremonies. These mushrooms contain psilocybin, which is converted in the body to psilocin, which induces several effects that may last for several hours. 

While the effects of shrooms only last for a short period, psilocybin may stay in the body for a longer duration and is detected on a drug test. So, if you are wondering how long do mushrooms stay in your system, remember that the detection window depends on several factors, including the type of testing conducted and individual metabolism.

How Long Do Mushrooms Stay in Your System

Once shrooms are ingested into the body, psilocybin quickly metabolizes into psilocin, the chemical that causes the hallucinogenic effects. The answer for “how long do mushrooms stay in your system” is on average, the psychedelic experience of shrooms lasts 4-6 hours, and the peak of the effects is most often observed 2-3 hours after consumption. However, even after these noticeable effects, psilocin and its metabolites are found in the body for longer, which can be determined in different tests.

Detection Windows for Shrooms

The major metabolite, psilocin, is eliminated from the body via the kidneys and is found in urine. In new users, it usually takes up to 24 hours for psilocin to be expelled through the urine, though for chronic or frequent users, the detection period may be up to 72 hours.

On the other hand, blood test results for psilocybin are considerably rare, and psilocin can be detected for up to 6 hours after consumption. Because psilocin is quickly metabolized, blood samples should only be used for short detection.

Additionally, psilocin may be detected in hair follicles for a longer period, ranging from several months to even years, depending on the length of the hair tested. However, hair tests are relatively less popular in identifying psilocybin.

Factors Affecting Detectability

Dosage, Frequency of Use, and Individual Metabolism

High dosage and frequent use of magic mushrooms result in longer detection periods. Individuals with a high metabolism rate might metabolize and excrete psilocin more efficiently than those with a slow metabolism.

Body Composition and Method of Ingestion

Aspects such as the body’s fat content or water level or the state of health can dictate the rate at which psilocin is processed and eliminated. Also, different preparation methods, such as fresh or dried shrooms or mixing shrooms with tea, affect the rate of absorption and metabolism and could alter detection times.

Implications for Drug Testing

Standard drug tests like those used by employers do not often include screening for psilocybin or other psychedelics. However, if there are valid reasons to test for these substances, including forensic or clinical, specialized tests can be performed. Those involved in activities where they might be required to undertake drug testing should especially consider factors that make shrooms detectable and those that do not.


If you are asking how long do mushrooms stay in your system, remember that shrooms are not usually tested in the same way as alcohol, opioids, or other substances; they are only identified under specialized tests. 

Therefore, understanding the detection windows and the possible considerations, such as metabolism of psilocybin can help you in making decisions about the use of shrooms, especially when there is possibility of a drug test.

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